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How much of that dream home can you afford
GROSS INCOME - Your gross monthly income is your total income before tax and deductions.
NET INCOME - Your net monthly income is your total income after tax and deductions.
LOAN VALUE - Your repayment cannot be more than 30% of your gross monthly income and cannot exceed your disposable income.
ACCURACY - Our calculator is only a guideline.
The calculator does not include:
- A Credit check
- Affordability assessment as per the bank requirements.
Why pre-qualification?
We assess your credit score and affordability:
Base on our pre-qualification you can:
- Have ease of mind when you are looking for your dream home,
- Know what price range you can hunt for,
- Convince the seller that you are serious and are ready to buy,
- Sign that Offer to Purchase and not risk dissapointment.
Affordability Calculator
Affordability Calculated: Your Loan Amount and Monthly Repayment Is!
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